Clock controlled rate with voltage controlled multiplier and divider
CV and knob control of output level
Algorithm based wave engine with a selection of:
Wave shaping
Phase modulation
Random levels and vectors (also Brownian)
Randomly spaced triggers and waves
Display with contextual icons and instant reminder help text
LEDs indicating potentiometer vs. value matching, switch settings and output levels
Automatically saved settings for instant recall at power on
Firmware update by playing an audio file via the front panel
Compact and skiff-friendly module
The driving idea behind the Twin waves voltage-controlled dual oscillator/LFO is to offer two interesting oscillators in a skiff-friendly and compact size.
To achieve that challenge, we built the product’s architecture on the concept of pre-defined algorithms, where the most useful configurations and their matching parameter are ready to use.
Check the review in Sound on Sound magazine
There were several firmware/features updates since that review!
The Twin waves was mentioned in the following query-posts on Muffwiggler:
I'm not sure what development in the module contributes to this aspect, but it produces some of the fullest/fattest sounds I've heard from a digital oscillator, not to mention it's packed with features and very well thought out.
The FM between oscillators sounds different than everything else in my rig....sputtery and juicy when both are in audio range, and spazzy when LFO FM's audio rate.
Makes a chap wanna get a second one.
Best digital oscillator(s) I’ve ever used.
I love my Twin Waves!
From the first moment, it has become the definite go-to VCO in my rack, and if I feel the need to double up one particular vco module, it'll be that one.
I'm so glad I got's an absolute gem.
It's a monster (a dual monster).
Man this thing looks so nice, great features for a very reasonable price.
The price/performance/features/HP ratio is just fantastic, IMHO.
I use mine in LFO mode so often that I sometimes forget how amazing the VCOs are.
Thank you, Klavis, for your excellent work; especially Twin Waves, which I think is worth its price and size for its LFOs alone.
I'm not really a fan of shared knobs on digital modules but the Twin Waves implements this between its two oscillators in a very fluid and ergonomic manner.
The symbols it uses for each waveform algorithm are also quite well designed; they're all pretty self-explanatory but after a single read through of the manual to be sure of the specifics I was good to go.
I own the Twin Waves and I'm super impressed with the build quality.
Biggest value module you own?
That's the question a Muff Wiggler post asked to the community.
Name your most valuable module whatever the type.
The Twin Waves was put in the spotlight several times.
Klavis Twin Waves for all of the function that it brings in a small space.
Clever thing.
+1 for Klavis Twin Waves.
It can do so much and it's 2 in 1.
Incredible value especially in reduced size racks and for melody use.
For oscillators... probably the Klavis Twin Waves.
Twin Waves overview by Marcin
Firmware update 1.13 - Algorithm selection by CV
Overall product presentation during Superbooth 2017
Eric from Klavis interviewd by Max from Prognosis
Using a single Twin Waves as a complex oscillator.
In the various examples, the FM is not used.
Instead, synchronization, time reversal and wave shaping are done from osc2 to osc1.
If needed, perfect pitch relation without altering the timbre can be achieved by (internally) deriving the V/Oct for both osc from the osc1 input jack.
The video is quite old, with a now obsolete firmware. In the meantime, several synthesis algorithms were added or improved.
SH 8 by Vincent Vanesse
3 Twin Waves play all tunes.
Sicurezza by Andrea Ronen
A nice piece with the Twin Waves as the sole sound source.
Allow it a minute to start and wait for the bass line at 2:20 ;-)
Puzzle Girl by Modulogeek
Twin Waves playing the percussive arpeggio from 2:10
Twin Waves Demo by Perfect Circuit Audio
Twin Waves used as dual VCO
Twin Waves Offset by Dave Houtmeyers
Twin Waves does the arpeggiated lead line
15 steps brake and get physical by Gregory Delabelle
TW first patch by Dave Houtmeyers
Tuesday is Tuesday day by ApolaKipso
TW is playing the lead line, with nice tweaks
Firmware update 1.13 features presentation by Marcin
Set as dual VCO in OFFSET mode + SUB out, all mixed and sent to a Korgasmatron (filter modulated with a LFO sync of a second Twin waves using browian vectors algo.
VCO1: Unison SAW (note = C), Quantizer = minor
VCO2: Additive Odd (note = F), Quantizer = minor, harmonic content modulated from a second Twin waves in LFO mode with Brownian vectors algo
First section VCO: Supersaw with phase spread driven by second section's LFO
Second section as LFO: Sine in Sync mode with mult/div ratio manually tweaked. Sent to VCO param + Korga for filtering.
First minute is Twin Waves' output A in detuned saw algo.
Output B appears about a minute later in the self-sync sine algo.
Then the sub out comes in for the last minute to beef things up a bit.
Inspiration technology to let you create the difference